Advance Jungian Course

The focus of this course is an examination of advanced concepts in Jung’s Analytical Psychology.


“Adaptation : Living Between one’s Inner Reality and the Worldly Imperative”

We all live between two equal and opposite psychological demands : to adapt to the structures and realities of the world we live in and to perceive and respond to the call to be who we truly are inside. How do we negotiate this as we mature? How do we find the right balance and how do we face the ethical dilemmas that arise? This seminar will examine the concepts of collectivity and individuation as they are understood by Jung, and will explore the process of adaptation.

“The Transcendent Function : Bridging the Tension of the Opposites”

The transcendent function is central to the theory of Analytical Psychology, particularly the process of individuation. Yet, Jung used the term in four distinctly different ways : as a method, as a process, as a function and as an effect. Post-Jungian theorists have focused on a fifth attribute – that of the analyst acting the transcendent function in the analytic encounter. Jung’s only exposition of the transcendent function, a short essay written in 1916 yet published decades later is a central aspect of his opus. This seminar traces the history of the development of the term; examines how it is used in Analytical Psychology and links this material to the process of individuation.


“Transference and Countertransference : The Central issues of Psychotherapy”

Both Jung and Freud struggled with the ideas of transference and countertransference throughout their clinical careers. At times they saw the issues as a hindrance to analysis or as the central aspect of analysis. Psychoanalytically-oriented therapist today view transference and countertransference as the vital, if not central component of the work. In this seminar we examine the various forms of transference and countertransference, drawing on the works of Jung, Freud, Bion and Balint. Each theorist’s approach to the issues will be explained. This seminar will be of benefit not only to clinicians but also to others interested in Jung as a great deal of his works on Analytical Psychology reference transference and countertransference.

“The Dream Ego : The “I” in the Dream Narrative”

This seminar will examine the element in the dream represented by the dreamer. What can this element contribute to an understanding of dreams? Various types of dreams with examples will be discussed. There will be a dream analysis exercise for participants


“The Anima and Animus : Core Challenges in Today’s World”

Jung relied on the ideas of the anima and the animus in the development of his work. Certain of his descriptions of people suffering the negative aspects of the contrasexual Other appear out of date in today’s reading of Jung. How have the post-Jungians dealt with these issues? How can we adapt Jung’s ideas to the 21st Century man and woman? How do we deal with the challenges of the anima and the animus in gay and lesbian clients? This seminar will review the history of the use of the anima and the animus and offer perspectives on the post-Jungian re-visioning of the constructs.

Dates:   Saturday 29th September, 2007 : 0830 – 1800; Sunday 30th September, 2007 : 0930-1300

Venue: Dunsmuir Lodge, 1515 Mctavish Road, Sidney, B.C.

Course leaders:

John Betts, M.A. (Psych) is a Zurich-trained Jungian Psychoanalyst. He maintains a private practice in Victoria, BC. John delivers intensive courses in the Fundamentals of Jung as well as podcasting the “Jung Podcast”. John’s clinical interests involve the transcendent function and individuation, somatic illness, and art in analysis.

Karen Evers-Fahey, Ph.D., M.S.N., is a lecturer and Jungian analyst at ISAP Zurich in Zurich Switzerland as well as a Mental-Health Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. She lectures at the University of Basel’s Institut fuer Pflegewissenschaft and is an SGAP and ISAP training analyst. Her doctoral dissertation was titled “The Ego  Concept in the Works of CG Jung”. Her special interests are  individuation and neurosis, psychology and medical illness, psychotherapy and personality disorders. Karen has a private practice in Victoria, BC.