These sessions deal with the powerful imagery of fairy tales and examine why their interpretation is such a crucial aspect of the Jungian tradition. Through fairy tales we access rich material from the collective unconscious, telling us how individuation may happen.
Who hasn’t remembered the experience of listening to a fairy tale as a child? Why were we so enthralled by these tales? Are these stories for adults or children? How do they differ from myths, legends and sagas?
The course lasts for four sessions and is held on Monday evenings from the 6th to the 27th of September, 2004. The first session will involve the theory behind the Jungian interpretation of Fairy Tales. We will then interpret three Grimm’s tales in the remaining sessions.
Dates: Monday evenings, from 6th September to 27th September
Times: 6:00p.m. – 8:00 p.m.