The Shadow

“ . . . the thing a person has no wish to be”(C.G. Jung., CW 16, para. 470)

We can never get rid of our Shadow.

We can only come to terms with it.

The Shadow is an intriguing aspect of our psyche. We tend to think of the Shadow as that part of the psyche that dominated the extreme pathology of Hitler, Stalin or Jeffrey Dahmer. What often goes unsaid is that we all have a Shadow, and, given the right circumstances, can act out terrible behaviours against others. What then is the Shadow? How does the archetypal Shadow differ from the personal Shadow? How does the Shadow connect with the Persona? Is there anything positive about the Shadow?

Come and learn about your Shadow, and how one may project Shadow aspects onto others.

Understanding the psychodynamics of the Shadow gives us insight into group behaviours, racism and bigotry. The Shadow can explain aspects of human behaviour, from the Holocaust through to political conservatism as well as our fascination with horror movies.


Friday, September 23, 2011 – 7:00 p.m.

Room 203, Tyee Hall, North Island College 2300 Ryan Road, Courtenay

Cost: $15 (members) $20 (non-members) Please pre-register with

Lecture material available at :